DataMan 150/260 Series

หมวดหมู่: COGNEX


For 1-D linear barcodes, printed higher-density 2-D matrix codes, and direct part mark (DPM) codes, the DataMan® 150/260 series fixed-mount, image-based barcode readers deliver unprecedented performance, flexibility and ease of use

Highest read rates
DataMan 150/260 series barcode readers achieve the highest possible read rates. Cognex powerful algorithms can decode even the most damaged, scratched and poorly printed 1-D and 2-D codes.

Reduce installation time and cost of ownership
Modular lighting and optics make it easy to change DataMan 150 and 260 series reader lenses and lighting in the field. This not only reduces installation time and resources, but protects the ID reader investment by making it easy to optimize performance for each application and accommodate future process changes.

Easy to use tune and trigger buttons
The Tune and Trigger buttons allow for the setup of the application all without a PC or HMI. Whether the code is label based or a DPM code, the tuning algorithm trains the code and automatically adjusts the optics and lighting to deliver an image optimized for your application. The trigger button makes it easy to confirm that the reader has been set up properly. Audible beep or visual LED feedback makes it easy to know when the code is correctly read.

Perfect for DataMan 100/200 series retrofits
The DataMan 150/260 series readers utilize the same mounting configuration and pin out as the DataMan 100/200 series ID readers. This provides easy retrofits into existing DataMan 100/200 applications without adapter plates, or changes to mounting holes and wiring.


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