XPENG Training Cutaway (BEV)

หมวดหมู่: Automotive


XPENG Training Cutaway (BEV)

XPENG Training Cutaway : Intuitive Demonstration of Core Technologies, including the core Electric System, Vehicle Electrical Systems, Chassis and Suspension, and Automatic Climate Control. 65 Online Courses are available to learn by scanning the QR Code on the components. It’s equipped with teaching materials, electronic teaching materials, practical training manual and VR courses.

  1. Intuitive Demonstration of Thousands of 18650 Lithium-ion Battery Cells’ Thermal Management and Interconnection Methodology.
  2. Clear Structure of AC and DC Charging Systems.
  3. Transparent Coolant Pipes Showcasing Three-Electric Thermal Management Circulation and Principles.
  4. Fault Setting Function for Enabling Fault Diagnosis Teaching and Assessment.

26 กุมภาพันธ์ 2568

ผู้ชม 22 ครั้ง

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